Monday, September 18, 2017

God Consciousness

A Cockworshiper should strive to always be conscious of his Lord's Phallus within him.  The God Cock although manifested visibly in the flesh of a Man's Penis is not limited by time or space.  Rather, He is everywhere and fills all things.  He is the cause of all existence and holds all things in being by His will. 

To better comprehend this truth it will be helpful for the worshiper to envision his inner-self as an empty vessel filled completely by his Lord's Penis.  As he does this let him gradually come to understand that there is nothing in himself or in his world that is not filled and penetrated by his Master's Cock.  When you come to see yourself and the world around you in this way you have achieved the level of God Consciousness.  Do all in your power to remain on this level.  Throughout the day pray to the presence of His Cock within you.  Let Him strengthen and guide you, give you wisdom and be a light to you in dark places.  

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