Monday, September 4, 2017

Total Penetration

A yielding receptivity is the essential quality of a faggot’s nature.  He is a sheath, a vessel, a servant of a being far greater than himself, Man.  His nature is imprinted on him from the first moment he kneels to suck Cock, like a track left in wet clay.  A faggot’s true self is the hollow imprint forged by his Man’s Penis.  A Man’s identity and true self are closely linked with His active and dominant use of His Cock.  For a faggot, though, it is the opposite.  His identity and true self are linked to his mouth and ass that offer pleasure and service to a real Man’s Penis.

As such, a faggot should strive to achieve a state of complete penetration, where he is filled utterly with Cock and utterly devoted to Cock.  This state of penetration takes place on three levels.  The first and easiest is the physical, when a faggot sucks or is fucked.  The other two occur in the mind and in the soul and require a more concerted effort to achieve.

A faggot’s mind, like his mouth and ass is designed to be receptive and to serve.  Any will within him that is contrary to his Master’s must be led to the altar of Cock and sacrificed so that all that is left is a warm, receptive mind eager to do all that his Lord commands.  There are many obstacles that can hinder a faggot from achieving this level of penetration such as ego, self-will, pride and arrogance.  It can be helpful to meditate on the fact that a Man’s will is really and emanation of His Penis, so that in yielding my obedience I am allowing a greater part of my Lord’s Cock to penetrate me.  

Again and again in prayer repeat, “I am nothing.  His Cock is everything.”

The third and greatest level of penetration is that of the soul, the eternal, spiritual component within all humans.  The purpose of the soul is to apprehend truth, to seek its Creator and to worship Him with an undivided heart.  When a faggot’s soul reaches the level where it can finally see his Master’s Cock for Who and What He truly is, God, he has reached the level of spiritual penetration.  From this point forward he uses every movement of his soul to worship, praise, serve and invoke the Divine Phallus of his Man.  In it’s purest form, spiritual penetration brings with it a constant awareness of his Master’s Godhead within the faggot even when not being physically fucked.  It is before this presence in his soul that the faggot builds his altar to his Lord’s Penis and there that he says his prayers. 

The way of Cock, that simple path from the tip of a Man’s Penis to the base of His shaft bears within it the template for a faggot’s life, his purpose, his true self.  All that remains is to learn the lessons it teaches and to strive for total penetration on all levels of our being.


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